Article: Life's True Purpose

Life's True Purpose
Instead of looking for purpose in this life we should look to the Purpose Giver. Instead of looking for quality of life we should look to the Creator of Life. For it was “in Him, through Him and for Him that all things were made. Nothing that was made was made without Him” (Romans 11:36, Colossians 1:16, John 1:1-3.)
Do you want to have a breakthrough and experience PEACE and true contentment that surpasses our capabilities to understand?
I love what Tony Evans says:
“Stop doing the program and start pursuing the Person. When you have passion for the Person, you do not have a problem with the program. You don’t read the Bible any longer because you must, but because you want to meet the Author of Life. You don’t get on your knees because that’s what good Christians do, but because you want to talk to the Divine One who created you. If you pursue Jesus Christ as a person that you are in love with, you find the grace of God giving you the power to pull off the program of God.”
To put it simply: It’s Him. Christianity is not an idea, a philosophy or mantra to follow. It is the embodiment of a Person. Jesus Christ. God Himself. Christ existed for eternity before the world was created. He set aside all His deity and glory to come down to earth to pursue us and show us the very nature of God. To bear our shame on the cross and pay our debt because it was the only way to save us. He did this because He loves each of us personally. He saw our faces, smiles, our hearts, and all that we could be through Him and His righteousness. It was not nails that held Him to that cross. NO. It was something so much greater. LOVE. For God so Loved the world, He spared no expense to save us. He bought us with the blood of His own Son. Try to wrap your head around that. Don’t just gloss over John 3:16. Do you really understand what it cost God to get us back?
Salvation is a free gift to us, but it cost God absolutely everything to pay for it. At the cross on Calvary, God’s love was on full display. Ten thousand legions of angels stood ready to annihilate the earth. All Jesus had to do is say the word, but He said, "NO". “For the joy that was set before Him He endured the cross, disregarding its shame.” (Hebrews 12:2). What Joy? What did the God of eternity that with the very breath of His mouth created everything not have? What did He not have on that side of the cross that He so desperately wanted on the other side? The answer is YOU. Just think about that and let it sink in. Once we grasp the gravity of our situation and the endless depth of God's love for us, everything else fades away and we can truly fall in love with Jesus. And now we can pursue God and fellowship with Him, the way it was always intended to be. This is our true purpose in life.
Our rightful reaction is to run into His eternal arms and find grace and forgiveness, love and peace that will give us fullness of joy. We should give up anything to get to Him and follow Him because He gave up everything so that we could. The One who hung the stars and the planets in their place and by the Word of His mouth all things exist and find their purpose--- He whispers to each of us in a still, small voice, "Come and be with Me forever. I have prepared a place just for you. Do not fear. I have ransomed you. I have called you by name. You are Mine." (John 14:3, Isaiah 43:1)
Photo by Guilherme Stecanella on Unsplash
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